We have been doing regular Facebook Live sessions in our Email Marketing Group answering you questions and common issues we see. This broadcast focused on the top 5 mistakes we see people making in their email marketing far too often. We’ve recapped those 5 mistakes below and you can watch the two-part broadcast with full examples and details on each mistake in the video section of our Email Marketing Group.
5 Common Mistakes in Email Marketing
1. Not Checking Mobile First
Google’s search strategy is mobile first and your email marketing strategy should be too! Most of the traffic on the Internet comes via mobile and tablet, if your subscribers can’t read or click your email on their phones, you are losing a lot of potential customers.
2. Not Testing Before Sending Out To The Entire List
Test, test, test! We all make mistakes and you’ve seen this in your inbox. You get an email and the subject line has spelling errors or links inside the email don’t work and it’s so frustrating! But you don’t usually take the time to find the link and neither are your readers.
3. Only Publishing New Content
Your old stuff is just as good! If you’re a content publisher, make sure you’re pulling in all the content on your week’s newsletter theme. You’re constantly gaining and losing subscribers and your email subscribers are not the same people as your social media followers. You might be sick of your old content, but your new subscribers are excited to see it and it’s new to them!
4. Not Testing Your Sign Up Process at Least Twice a Year
User experience is everything and widgets break on websites all the time. Just because you subscribed to your own list when you set it up two years ago, doesn’t mean that everything is still working the way you want it to. The main thing we see all the time is people telling us to sign up for their list but their submit button doesn’t work. It happens way too often.
5. Not Doing a True A/B Test
Testing does not mean changing your email every week. You aren’t actually testing anything, you’re just making changes that you can’t make decisions on. A true A/B test involves changing 1 thing in your email and sending it to half of your list and sending your same email template you always send, wth no changes, to the other half of your list. This is the only way to get real test results.
They seem so simple, right? Now that you know the mistakes, you’ll easily spot them in other email campaigns too. Remember to sign up to as many email lists as you can to steal great ideas and test them in your own emails.
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